Which Will You Choose?

pic of an inspirational saying for my cancer blog

Life is all about surviving
The pains, the losses and even one’s disease;
There are going to be many struggles in one’s lifetime such as these,
But GOD will be there to help guide us through them over

And over again with ease.
It is in these troubled times that we may feel weak,
As if  we no longer can go on,

But it is GOD we need to reach out to then and seek.
It is our faith that will help see us through
Even when we don’t think we have the strength to manage it to.
Don’t be a quitter.

You have in it you to be braver.

For GOD will give you the strength, so you will not waiver;

There is a reason and purpose for every one’s life

And that is why you are still here.

So don’t let fear be able to interfere.

Give your life a fair fight and then life will appear rather clear.

That there is so much more out there for you to enjoy

And if you choose to give up, than it will only destroy.

We could choose to give up or we could fight to be a survivor.
Which will you choose?

GOD is our healer.

You just need to choose a more positive perspective view

But the choice is totally up to you.

Please don’t give up!!!

Your life is important to others too!!!

There is a brighter future to develop

Because faith brings hope

 And a greater life is waiting for you!!!


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(This inspirational saying at the top of the page is written by: Paul Boynton,

“Begin with Yes!”)


  1. Cathy Konecny

    Thanks Diane, Beautiful message here. God Bless You and Yours Cathy

    Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2013 00:52:33 +0000 To: kcathy@live.ca

  2. Reblogged this on divbblog.

  3. Barb Grobe

    Thank you Diane. Trying everyday and some days are harder than others. Not sure if my meds have levelled out as I’ve had a very difficult week. See counsellor on Wed. Took extra anti-depressant today and I seem to be a bit better.
    Once again, your writing came at just the time I needed to read it! 🙂 ❤

    • Barb,
      I am sorry for what you are going through. There are always going to be those challenging days unfortunately, but there are also going to be those bright days that lie ahead. I am happy to hear that my writing came right when you needed it. Take care & GOD Bless!!!
      Diane ❤

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