Suicidal Thoughts

teenage depression - teen woman sitting thinking                         thinking businessman         Stressed Over Money    two young girls laughing behind another girls back

Have you ever had suicidal thoughts?

You felt like ending your life because everything in it appeared to be not going right. It felt as though there was no pleasure left to enjoy in it. Maybe, this was due to the fact of being in so much physical pain all the time or maybe yours was the emotional pain because of a relationship break up or losing your job, making you now feel overwhelmed with financial burdens.

 Sometimes you may be experiencing both the emotional and the physical aspects of pain, which can be even more discouraging. You think what is the point of be being in this world anymore? If this is you, it sounds as if you have reached “rock bottom,” you need to seriously think about talking to a friend, a loved one or even a doctor who may be able to prescribe antidepressants or encourage you to see some professional help. Do not feel ashamed if you have to do the latter. Many people go through these emotions, making them spiral into a deep depression.

 I have seen first-hand by watching my loved ones suffer from this disease, even myself have gone through a bought of it. I know it is not a laughing matter, as the pain you are feeling is very real, so real in fact that it gives you these suicidal thoughts. This is the devil trying to worm his way into your life. He relishes on seeing people go through these anguishes in their life because he sees this weak opening and he jumps right in giving you those thoughts of wanting to end your life. You see if you follow through with these actions, you are falling for what the devil wants.

It is in these weak moments you need to reach out to GOD and pray like you have never prayed before. GOD is above all! HE can bring you out of this depression. When you are going through all these emotions and destructive feelings you need to really take a step back and look at all the wonders GOD has created. You could try taking a stroll and really look at the beautiful nature that GOD has intended for all of us to enjoy. You should also take those moments when you are alone to talk with GOD. It is sometimes in our busy schedules, we tend to only give GOD a few minutes of our day.

 The more we bring GOD into our lives, the more blessings we will see happening in it. Have you taken a look around and counted your blessings lately? There are so many blessings or gifts that GOD has given each one of us. It is in these distressing moments that we may forget about these blessings. When we are choosing to want to end our life we are being selfish to those blessings or gifts that you have been given.

How could you leave your loved one to face that kind of pain? How could you do that to someone you claim to love? How selfish would that really be? I know it appears to be the easy way out of ending your misery but really if you actually would follow through with it, would you really be ending your misery? The answer is, “NO!” You know why? It is because you wouldn’t be going to Heaven to see your loved ones but you would be joining an eternity in HELL with the devil, who has given that invitation to you.

It is the devil who has put those disturbing thoughts in your head saying that it will relieve all your pain. He is hoping in your weak moments you will cave in to this invitation. That is why you need to strengthen your faith and be a part of GOD’s army to keep this from happening to yourself and others you may know.

 I am not promising your life will get better overnight but in due time, with continued pray it will improve. You just need to never give up on life! Whether you care to believe it or not it is truly a gift. GOD has a special timing for everyone. HE will call you home when it is HIS plan. You can never go to Heaven when you see fit because you see there is only one road to get to this heavenly place and that is the journey

GOD takes you on when HE calls you home.

 When you accept what the devil wants you are not taking a detour to get to heaven but he is actually bringing you to a “dead end” because all you have left waiting there for you is “fire and pain!!!” The pain you had endured here on earth is nothing compared to the pain you will experience there, so this easy way out you were thinking about, is just the opposite.

 I know you are possibly thinking this is easier said then done because these feelings are so intense. When you are experiencing all this excruciating pain, the thought or consequences of going to Hell is furthest from your mind because you have basically had it with life, that you have become so fed up with it,  you just want to give up on everything. In your mind you just want this misery of yours to finally end. But know there is always hope, light at the end of the tunnel or a rainbow in your midst.

pic of light at the end of a tunnel

(pic is a Spirit Science photo)

 “Be strong, be courageous” these lyrics from a song say it all. This is what you need to do to get your life on the right path. It is not going to be easy to bring yourself back up out of this deep depression, but it is not impossible, for you will see “nothing is impossible with GOD.” Also, try and not to push away those who are trying to help you. They love you and are concerned for your well-being. They want to do their best to help you, let them help. I know at times you just want to be alone, and these are perfectly normal feelings, but sometimes it doesn’t hurt to surround yourself with GOD’s love, GOD’s blessings.

 Your road to recovery may be a long winding, twisting road that be not always be smooth and can rather be quite bumpy but if you choose to bring GOD through prayer in your life, that road of yours will go through construction making it a smoother and more joyful journey. Never give up! Never lose faith and never accept an invitation where the devil is concerned.

May GOD bless and heal you during this difficult journey and may you enjoy the sunset and sunrise of each new day reminding you that tomorrow is another new day.


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(Pictures are taken from

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