Celebration Day


Our Final Treatments

pic 6 of last day of cancer treatment

                                     Barbara Burrell-Hutchins(left) And Me(right)
Diane's Last Treatment- ringing the bell 3x Feb 20, 2014

(My husband, Martin taking a picture with his phone)

pic 1 of last day of cancer treatment

Celebration Day

Today I get to celebrate

After many months of Radiation

And Chemo too;

This journey has been a long

One from feeling sunburned to the flu.

There have been a few changes to my body now

As in my weight and lack of hair

But none of that matters now

From all that I’ve had to bear;

Because I have come out stronger

Than I ever thought I could be,

Making me happier than I ever thought I’d see.

This journey has taught me lots

And brought me many blessings along the way,

Meeting people that I would have never crossed paths with,

 That are still friends with me today.

As I sat in the hospital having my one last final treatment;

My excitement was mixed with sudden sadness

Of saying goodbye;

I actually surprised myself by actually starting to cry.

But maybe it was due to the fact

That my hubby just happened to also drop by;

He surprised me with pink roses

 With a huge smile saying, “hi.”

He had been hard at work, as he was such a busy guy.

I had no idea he was coming,

So when I saw him with the flowers

Tears couldn’t help but roll down from my eyes.

He then watched as the nurses handed me the gavel,

It was bitter-sweet in ringing that bell

That sound was so LOUD

It made me look around the faces of the crowd,

Everyone was so happy smiling back at me

And I realized what this actually meant, I was finally free!!!

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

 (Photography courtesy of : Larry Hutchins)

 (February 20, 2014- My final cancer treatment of Herceptin)


My journey has definitely been a long one and some tough days I must say, but the many blessings I have received, well there have been so many along the way. My biggest blessing of all, was having each any every one of you, because you gave such love and support to me, that my courage every day just grew. The gratitude I have for all of you, well no words could ever convey because let’s face it, no one could ever replace you in any kind of way!!! ;)♥           Thank you!!!

Love, Diane xoxo


                              My two blog sites:

 https://godgivesblessings.wordpress.com  (Cancer, Pain & Disease)

If you click on my, “ABOUT” page you can learn

more about the Christian music I have on

this site that is sure to lift your spirits!!! 🙂

 I also have on the same page a list

of all the countries that have visited my blog(s). 


  http://divbblog.wordpress.com  (Depression, Loss of a Loved One & Cheery writings too)

Here are some of my latest writings on this site, “I Want to Grow Old With You,”

“Anger Makes You a Prisoner” & “Life’s Embarrassing Moments.”

This second site has something for all ages!!! 😉  



FB share the “ABOUT” page or this page.

You could also try adding them to your favourites, 😉

Please, share these blog sites with friends and family that may need them.

Thank you all for your support in helping spread GOD’S word. 😉

I pray that each of you are given the strength and courage in fighting your cancer.

Please choose to never give up!!! 🙂 GOD BLESS!!!!


Diane Van Bommel 


My eldest daughter, Larissa is a very beautiful writer.

My favourite poems of hers are:

“Dear Mom” and “Nowhere.”

Here is a direct link to her site as well:



  1. Barbie

    Awwww! I didn’t read the whole thing before I added my comment! Your husband is such a sweetheart and I don’t blame the tears for sneaking out when he showed just how much he loves you by showing up on an important day in your journey!! My friend and I too cried on her last day. Tears of happiness that a difficult time is over, and maybe even a few tears of sadness for the simple fact that we wouldn’t be sharing those times together anymore. We decided to continue our day together once a month, but now it is “friend day”. So happy you are all done!!! What a trooper! You look great in these pics by the way!

    • Thanks, you sure know how to flatter someone. I am very blessed to be married to such a loving and sweet guy.I was blown away that he had come in the first place but those flowers, well that’s when I started to tear up. Lol Diane

  2. Renee

    I enjoy reading everything you write Diane, your strength, courage and lack of accepting defeat is admirable. We have alot to learn from you Diane, I am so sorry you had to go through all of this, but of all people you know God has that bigger plan that one day we will all understand. I am sure I am not the only one who finds strength in themselves through your posts, your horrible illness has made many of us look at our life in a new manor and with renewed strength.
    Good luck with your new endevors in life Diane whatever they maybe, hold on to all you have learned and taught so many of us through this most unfortunate time in your life.

    Admired you as a child Diane,and now words can not explain the respect and admiration I feel for you today. You are definatley one of earth’s angels!

    Renee xoxox

    • Renee,
      When I read your comment happy tears filled my eyes. It really touched my heart to hear such beautiful words said about myself and my writing. I can’t thank you enough for taking the time in posting these words, thank you!!!
      Diane Van Bommel

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