Monthly Archives: March, 2014

The After effects of Going through Cancer

Going through cancer can take a real toll on anyone. It is both emotionally and physically draining. It is like I had mentioned earlier, it is as if you are on a roller coaster ride but not as enjoyable as the ones you remember being on as a kid.  During your cancer journey you have …

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You Can’t Throw in the Towel

As I lie there so many thoughts run through my head. I can’t forget the pain as my chest now feels like lead. My life has gone through many obstacles, Too many even to name Each one making me stronger, yet never quite the same; I have had to undergo many surgeries, As well as …

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Do You Sometimes Feel so Alone?

 Do you feel like you are going through this cancer and although you have family and friends around you, you still manage to feel so lonely and scared? You feel your loved ones are doing their best to support you but sometimes they don’t truly understand the whole concept of what you are actually going …

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“Miracles Happen to Those Who Believe in Them”

 (This music video, “Miracles” By: Angela Moss Poole is taken from Nothing is impossible with our GOD  If we choose to believe; No matter how large the troubles appear, we can achieve. Sometimes our worries seem so large like a mountain top That fear sets in, making us want to give up or stop. …

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Survival Stories (True stories/ Testimonies of people surviving different cancers)

I know when I was going through my cancer it was very discouraging and disheartening to hear people talk about their friends or loved ones that had perished. I am sure you like myself would rather hear about the “SURVIVORS” instead, am I right? That is why I came up with this idea in asking …

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Miracles (True life testimonies)

Miracles happen in our everyday lives but sometimes these testimonies never get shared but, I want to change that by bringing them to light to all of you. I have asked my friends, family and I am asking all of you to share your stories here on my site as well. Please include your first …

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