Miracles (True life testimonies)

Miracles happen in our everyday lives but sometimes these testimonies never get shared but, I want to change that by bringing them to light to all of you. I have asked my friends, family and I am asking all of you to share your stories here on my site as well. Please include your first name at least and the country where you are from. All you need to do is click on comment and then you will be able to post it.

Sometimes we need to hear these true stories to remind us that

GOD is truly present in all of our lives.

I will continue to add more personal testimonies as I receive them. GOD BLESS!!!


My first testimony, I would like to share with all of you, happened in the late 1997 to early 1998. I was expecting my third child, as the second one I had miscarried, earlier on in my pregnancy. It was during the early part of my new pregnancy that while I attended different masses I had more than one priest coming up to me asking if they could say a prayer on my unborn child. I said, “Sure go ahead.” I thought to myself that it won’t hurt anything. The more prayers the better, I thought. GOD must have sent these people to pray over me and my unborn child because on the day I gave birth to my daughter, Kiara, I was told it was a miracle that she even had survived in my womb. It wasn’t until after giving birth to her that the doctor had found her umbilical cord was tied in a loose knot and if it would have been any tighter, it could have actually cut off all of her food supply. They figured it had happened earlier in my pregnancy when she was flipping around doing somersaults in me. The funny thing is, Kiara is turning “16” this year and she still is my little gymnast. She is always doing the splits and kicking her feet over her head.

Another thing funny was Kiara, still ended up being the heaviest of all 4 of my children, weighing in at around 8lbs 13oz. Kiara, is now tall and lean like her father, and is actually taller than her mom now.

Kiara was born with long fingers and people used to tease me saying that my little one was going to grow up to be a piano player and she did. She loves to play. I took her for some lessons but she manages to teach herself mom’s favourite songs to surprise me. I thank GOD that he sent those priests to pray over my unborn child.


I also have a second birth story, which happens to be about my third born child, “Brianna.” We had picked both a boy and girl name beforehand. Brianna’s name means “woman of strength.” Little did we know at the time that the name we gave her would truly suit her.

This experience happened to me on April 6, 2000. I had been to my doctors earlier that day as I was worried because the baby inside me had appeared to be stopped moving. My doctor said she didn’t want to try and hear for the heartbeat, just in case for some reason it didn’t detect it properly and make me worry for no added reason. She instead requested that I go to our nearby hospital to have a non-stress test. My older sister, Carol Ann had called my mom to see if she could drive me to the hospital. My due date was to be in 8 days, with my other two pregnancies I ended up giving birth both times late as in 10 days and 8 days late. On the way to the hospital, my mother held my hand and I started having extreme pain. I said to my mom, “If I didn’t know any better I think I am in labor now!” But I thought to myself there is just no way, or was there?

When I arrived at the hospital, I told the staff that I was there for a non-stress test but I thought they may want to try another test as I felt I may be in labor. My mother had made a call earlier to my husband, Martin that just so happened to be on a business trip in another country. She told him I was just having a non-stress test and not to worry about me.

Well, let’s just say, I never did get that non-stress test as I was indeed in labor. I was frightened as the pain, kept intensifying and my husband was nowhere around but luckily I had my mom by my side.

The nurses had me lying in a bed and I can still remember, even though it’s been almost 14 years ago, that a young practicing nurse had come into my room seeing about checking my dilation. I will never forget the fear in her eyes as she checked me. She stuttered, “I, I will be right back. I just need to get a nurse to help.” I was scared because I could see by her fear that something must be wrong with me or my unborn child. I asked her, “Is everything all right?” Yes, she said with fear in her eyes, I just need to get the nurse.” I knew judging by her reaction there was something she just wasn’t telling me. The fear in me grew, waiting under great anticipation as what exactly was wrong and would my baby survive?

When the nurse came in they told me to go to the bathroom as they just needed to make my bed. While I was in the bathroom, the contractions were HORRIBLE. The nurses were whispering in my room amongst each other so I wouldn’t be able to hear what they were saying. I could here that it was way too silent and so I became even more extremely frightened. They finally called me out of the bathroom but wouldn’t tell me anything. I later learned, not until after I had given birth, that the reason that young girl was freaking out was because apparently there had been blood clots everywhere on the bed where I had been lying. I was losing lots of blood. The nurses had then given me some, “Nuvane” which is a pain killer that our hospitals no longer use. They gave this medicine too late in my labor because they were expecting me to go longer, as my previous births were 21 and 15 hours but to their surprise this baby came in 9 hours.

My husband, Martin made it just in time for the birth. Brianna came out crying but immediately she turned an awful blackish purplish blue and stopped breathing. I was terrified, I thought to myself, oh no I can’t lose this baby, I just can’t. I then began praying out loud as they took my little girl away. I didn’t care what anyone thought as I prayed, the “Our Father” prayer and I also pleaded to GOD that HE would save her. My husband laid both his hands above Brianna praying silently over her lifeless body, when all of a sudden my husband fell back, looking pale and weak and Brianna, my little one was screaming at the top of her lungs, with such a beautiful colour now to her skin. It was as if the energy had been drained from my husband, into my daughter. It was miraculous!!!  Brianna was strong and pulled through, thanks to GOD!!!

Brianna was put in an incubator as she was a bit jaundice and her and I had also been diagnosed with a touch of pneumonia but we both pulled through later with flying colours. Apparently, the reason Brianna had stopped breathing in the first place was because of the pain med they had given me was not to be given too far during labour so it was in Bri’s blood stream slowing her heart down to nothing. They had to give her counteractive drugs to get her to start breathing again. I refused that medication for my next child as I was afraid of what it had caused. I could have lost my child and thankfully she survived.


My third birth story, involved my son, Martin “Carter.” It happened in the year, 2004 when I had been pregnant with my only son. I ended up having gestational diabetes and the doctor ended up telling me that I had a “two vessel pregnancy,” so I was considered now a high-risk pregnancy. What the two vessel pregnancy meant was normally there would be three vessels, one to deliver blood flow to the child and two vessels to deliver food and nourishment. But, I was missing one of the vessels that delivered food. I had miscarried a second child, just before Carter and I often wondered if that is why I lost that baby. I ended up going on line to read up on this type of pregnancy, and I must tell you sometimes that is not the best thing to do, as it ended up scaring me. It said that with that type of pregnancy I had that some fetus may die within 10 weeks after conception or there was a higher risk of my child being born with Downs Syndrome or another thing that could affect him in possibly having problems with his spine. I was terrified, I had prayed long and hard and I also had many others praying for my baby.

 I had later received a letter from a foreign country from a lady who my husband was helping to sponsor her and her family. She had wrote that I was to give birth to a son and that he would have so much love and such an amazing personality and for me not to worry. At that time of the letter I didn’t even know what I was having. It ended up being that lady was right as I did in fact give birth to an amazing little lovable boy and he has blessed our lives tremendously. He also had such a great disposition like she had said he would.  Carter was born healthy with no medical issues like they were expecting. I tell you from my own experience that prayer is very powerful and that GOD does answer them but sometimes we are expecting those prayers to be answered right away. We need to be patient as GOD will answer when the time is right.


My fourth story is about my older brother, Alan. This true story took place sometime in the 1980’s, when he was in his late teens, early 20’s. He had gone out by himself on Lake Erie canoeing when all of a sudden his canoe capsized. My brother said he felt his body descending into the deep waters and he thought to himself that his life must be over, as there was no possible way he could even survive because his body felt like he couldn’t even move to save himself. He soon became unconscious but later awoke along the beach, lying in the sand. When Alan opened his eyes, he faintly saw two people that were dressed in scuba diving suits but as fast as they appeared, they soon disappeared. He wanted to thank them for saving his life but mysteriously there was no trace of them. It was as if they had vanished in thin air.

What were the chances that two scuba divers would have been in that particular lake, in that particular part of the lake at the same time as my brother’s mishap?

GOD sent those people or angels to look after my brother and it was because of that miracle my brother is still with us today.

Written By: Diane Van Bommel


My daughter Brandi was in daycare when she was 1.5 years old. I got a call that she  had an odd rash. I picked her up and was driving to the hospital in chatham when I noticed that the rash was spread quickly I could actually see it moving up her arms and legs.
The young doctor in Chatham got her right in and although it was 95 degrees outside he said she was cold rub her arms and legs she would be fine. I took her to my moms and called my family doctor right away. He said she was having an allergic reaction to something and told me to get her there quickly and find out what she ate that day. The ambulance was waiting to rush her to sick kids in London. Turned out that she was having an allergic reaction to strawberries. Long and short her veins were collapsing and they didn’t expect her to survive…but today she is 20 years old and very much alive.

A couple of years I contracted a virus….that the doctors think I got at walmart’s bathroom…..beware of public bathrooms. I lost my vision because I got sores in my eyes, it attacked my brain…leaving me with seizures….thank goodness for meds, attacked my heart, liver, lungs, kidneys etc….. my body was covered in sores. the doctors wanted me in hospital as my chances for survival were not good. I have 3 children and said I wanted to be home to die with my children by my side. I refused to quit….I did all I could for myself. Brandi gave up a semester of school to stay with me. I was very sick for about 5 months. I slowly got better…..I got my vision back, I can drive again but I am on seizure medication, all of my organs healed fairly well.  To everyone’s surprise I caught the adult version of hand, foot and mouth that children get at a daycare I was working at. Although not that serious in children it can be quite fatal in adults.

Sharri- Ontario, Canada

My uncle was in the hospital in 2006. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him. He was in a medical induced coma for about 4 weeks. he went into kidney failure, was on life support. we were called in several times as he was not going to make it.  he got diagnosed with weirgeners disease (sorry not sure how to spell it) anyways he was almost dead one day and the next day he was sitting up in a chair eating a pudding….he was truly a miracle…..God still had plans for himJanuary 2014 this same uncle was taken to hospital with the flu. Then they decided it was pneumonia as well as the wergeners back again too. He was on life support again…his lungs were badly damaged, his kidneys were not functioning at all, he was on kidney dialysis plus another type of dialysis. his blood pressure was very low and his heart was not good. 3 times we were called in because he was not going to make it. Now it is March he is eating drinking, heart, lungs and kidneys doing good but he is in rehab as he lost a lot of muscle tone so he is working on walking again. will hopefully be home again soon. He has had his second miracle…..God still isn’t done with him
 Sharri- Ontario, Canada
When my son was 5 he woke up instead of being excited about an easter egg hunt we were doing that day he was sick. He was running a high temperature so I took him to emerg. They said give him childrens Tylenol he will be fine. He slept for about an hour then woke up crying that his neck hurt. Back to emerg we went. They placed us in quarantine thinking he had meningitis none of the nurses even wanted to come near him. He was complaining after a couple of hours that his chest hurt and it was hard to breath…the nurses still didn’t want to go near him. finally after I got irritated because he was sort of blue and gaspy a nurse came back and discovered one lung had collapsed and the other was close to collapsing. he had pneumonia. he spent Easter in the hospital and later went into kidney failure. he was then taken to sick kids in London where the nurses said he didn’t need oxygen no matter how much  nagged. I freaked and threatened a few nurses when he stopped breathing all together. The crash team was called in…they had to use the paddles on him it was sooooooo scary bsut they revived my little boy who spent another 10 days in hospital. He came home on a special diet do to his kidneys which eventually healed. He is now 12years old and doing fine.
Sharri- Ontario, Canada
My boyfriend was in a serious accident in 2000. He was on his way to physio on his motorcycle when a transport crossed into his lane and he hit him head on. The doctors said he would likely survive but never walk again. He broke too many bones to count. He was in hospital on life support for only a week or so. He was in hospital however for 6 months. It was a long recovery. Today he walks but not without pain. He does have problems with his hip which the doctors are finally thinking it may be time to replace.My oldest daughter had a series of seizures when she was 1.5 years old. She was a very bright healthy child…all a mother could hope for. After 24 seizures the doctors finally got them to stop but not before brain damage had been done. She was in the fetal position for some time. The doctors said she would likely remain in a vegetative state. Slowly she started to respond with smiles or movement to familiar voices. They then said she would never walk or talk again. walking came quickly but talking was more of a struggle. She is now 24 and although she is a bit slower than your average 24 year old she can live on her own and only needs minimal assistance. She needs help with finances and healthy food choices. She likes games and kids shows and loves attention but all in all she is doing great considering the doctors never expected her to reach this potential.
Sharri- Ontario, Canada
Diane asked me if I would consider writing a story about a miracle in my
life.My story is about my brother,Dave.  My brother who is two years older
than I, was run over by a school bus when he was in grade 3 and I was in
grade 1.  My brother Dave got off th bus which was full of children and
did not follow me down our driveway.  He decided to get the mail which he
did frequently and head to my grandparents place.  While crossing in front
of the bus he slipped and fell under it.  For whatever reason, the bus
driver was unaware he had and ran him over.  I was only aware of this by
his blue plastic lunch box that was hitting me in the back of my head.
When I turned around he was being run over by the back tires of the bus.
The scream for my mother is ever ingrained in my head.  He spent much time
in the hospital as his whole body was crushed.  It was painful for my
parents.  They tried to shelter me from this experience and kept me away
from it as much as they could. I remember spending Christmas without him
that year and it was not right. He was not suppose to live-he lived,he was
not suppose to walk-but surprised me by walking oops I mean running
towards the door with crutches when they finally released him from the
hospital.  I’ll never forget the smile on his face and the overwhelming
feeling of happiness we all felt that day!  I also remember the doctor’s
saying to my parents that he may never have children but has 3. We were
surely a blessed family but it did not happen all by itself. My
grandfather had just previously passed away a month before this accident
and he was our guardian angel.  He would always wait for our bus, sitting
at the top of the hill of our driveway and I know he was there that day.
Its funny how I know but he was.  For you see faith plays a major role in
this story. My father started writing to the monks who prayed for my
brother throughout.  Miracles do and did happen to me and I thank God
daily for them!  There are reasons for experiences in our lives.  I
remember while working at a school as a Child and Youth Worker helping
kids and I ironically had to deal with all the bus problems.  One day I
received a report about a child who had tried to retrieve something he
lost from under a bus that was starting to move again.  The driver had
seen the child and stopped but wanted someone to talk with him to make him
see how it could have been a different outcome and the severity of the
situation.  Of course the above experience flickered in my mind.  When I
spoke with the child and used my own experience the child understood what
could have happened and thanked me for sharing this with him.  Maybe
that’s why I had to go through this with my brother.
Thankyou Diane for allowing me to share this God Bless you and keep
working through you.         Darlene- Ontario, Canada
 My husband who is a tow truck operator was called out
to the main four lane highway to tow a disabled vehicle. The police were there with their lights going as well as our
tow truck had lights going to show drivers to take caution and move over.  Just as my husband was about to hook onto
the disabled vehicle he had a gut feeling to look one more time at the traffic to see if it was still safe when he saw a
transport coming right at him. My husband hollered for everyone to run and within seconds the transport hit the police
car, the customers car and our towtruck, totaling them all. My husband most certainly had an angel keeping him from
being killed that morning.  Yes there is miracles.
Jan- Ontario, Canada

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