Do You Sometimes Feel so Alone?

 Do you feel like you are going through this cancer and although you have family and friends around you, you still manage to feel so lonely and scared?

You feel your loved ones are doing their best to support you but sometimes they don’t truly understand the whole concept of what you are actually going through, unless they have actually been through this disease themselves.

I know how that feels as I have been there right where you are so to speak.

There is one thing I can tell you and that you are never alone, despite what your mind is trying to convince you.

The reason I know this is because I have had GOD incidences in my life, not coincidences but these GOD incidences happening. I have had these things happen on several occasions and so I thought I would write about them. Many times people may never hear about these testimonies because others are afraid to share them with the rest of the world, for fear how others may look at them. I on the other hand feel it is so important to hear these true stories and to share them with others because it proves that GOD is trying to speak to us. Many people do not listen to their gut feelings, the gift that GOD has given to us to communicate with HIM because we are not opening our hearts wide enough to receive the message HE is trying to give us.

My gut feeling literally saved my life. It told me something was very wrong. The same thing happened to Jen, on “The Little Couple.” Her gut feeling told her she needed to seek medical assistance right away because something wasn’t right, so she flew back home to see her doctors. Thankfully, Jen listened to that gut feeling and was able to get properly diagnosed and start her treatments right away.

I have also had my gut feeling tell me that I had developed a major infection in the surgical area shortly after having my mastectomy and the antibiotics that they gave me were not working because they were the wrong ones.

I feel GOD gave us those gut feelings to help us and luckily I didn’t brush those feelings aside but took head and took them seriously getting the medical help I needed.

I have written several stories about the gift of this gut feeling on both this blog site and my other.

The stories you may want to check out are, “GOD is There!“ “GOD Answers Prayer“ and `The Stranger.“

On my second site, “Our Gut Feeling is a Gift From GOD (True Testimonies)“  Here is a direct link to my second site:

These writings prove that there really is something to those gut feelings and that you are never truly alone because GOD is always there for us!!! Sometimes many people have a hard time believing this is so because they don’t physically see GOD but if you truly open up your hearts more you will indeed feel HIS presence. You will then realize you are not alone like you may have thought and that with HIS help you can gather the strength to get through this disease or any other obstacle or road bump that gets in the way.

If you ever have had this type of GOD incidences happen in your life? If so, don’t keep them to yourselves but share them with others. People need to hear these true stories because this could in turn help bring their faith back that they may have been lacking.

What are you going to do the next time you have a gut feeling? Are you going to dismiss it or are you going to be a good servant and do what you have been asked or told to do? That gut feeling could possibly save your life or prevent you from doing something that could have had great consequences to you. Remember your gut feeling is a gift from GOD that should be taken seriously because there is a reason HE gives you those gut feelings to help you in life and to remind you that you are never alone because when you open your heart more you will begin to feel HIS presence. This will in turn allow you to not to feel as scared because your new found faith will help give you the strength to help guide you through.



Written By: Diane Van Bommel


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