A New Phase in my life- Breast Reconstruction

a pic of me after my right breast due to cancer 2jpga pic of me after my right breast due to cancer

After over two years of anticipation, my appointment to see the plastic surgeon is starting to creep up fast. I only have 8 more days until I get to have a consultation

with my plastic surgeon to discuss my options.

The waiting time for this procedure may vary on the severity of your cancer

or the availability of plastic surgeons,

which in our area may be awhile due to the lack of these specialists.

It is a personal preference or choice to have this procedure done.

I think with or without the breast(s) you are still beautiful.

Whatever choice you decide to make is the choice that is right for you.

Don’t make this decision based on the opinions of others but on how you feel.

It is you that has to live with the decision you have or will make.

I am very fortunate to have such a loving and supportive husband, who supports me either way. He said it is totally my decision and that if I didn’t decide to have this reconstruction surgery, that to him I am still beautiful, one way or the other.

This is what I call a huge blessing and gift in my life.

It makes me really see that my husband loves me for being me.

I have talked to another cancer patient and she said to expect at least 6 weeks or so of intense pain, but despite that revelation I still want to go through with it to make me feel more confident in myself. I also feel it would help free me from some of the discomfort I may be feeling when I am trying to sleep. I have decided I am going to try and not get myself hyped up about this surgery, as every person and every case is different. It is just like going through Chemo and radiation. Some people will give you such scary stories, making you fear the worst, but with strong faith your experience could be totally less painful and agonizing because you see faith is that powerful.

Some but not all of my cancer treatments went more smoothly

than I ever thought they would and that is because my faith

kept me having GOD in my corner to strengthen me through it all;

This reconstructive surgery is something that I have personally known that I have wanted to do

even before having my right breast mastectomy on October 3, 2012.

On the outside, if one was to look at me,

they usually can’t tell that I am even wearing a prosthetic

but for me when I remove it I feel pained.

I have grown accustomed and more accepting of my body to some extent,

but to be honest for me it is uncomfortable most times to sleep unless I have a cushion,

or neck pillow under the surgical area,

due to the fact there is less fatty tissue in the breast area to give me cushion.

When you lose your breast, your mind may go through a lot of feelings such as disappointment, sadness, anger, inadequateness or feelings of self-pity or low self-esteem. This is a natural reaction to having such a procedure. It is because a part of you that you have had all your grown up life, has been stripped from you and you really had no choice in the matter. It was either a life or death situation, because either you choose to have the removal to save your life

or keep it and risk losing or shortening your life.

For me, there was no question to what decision I needed to make.

My life was too important, my family and friends were also of great importance to me.

They still needed me and I needed them.

My journey through life hasn’t always been easy for me as these are just a few of my surgeries to name: a tonsillectomy, 4 wisdom teeth removed, the kidney stones, gall bladder surgery, acute pancreatitis which nearly cost me my life,

three knee scopes, two full knee replacements and then yes, cancer too!!!

You could say my body has been through a lot, but the thing is no matter what I have had to face my faith has brought me through it. It wasn’t always easy at times because some of the pain I have had to face has been so unbearable and now I am facing yet another surgery, which to some people may feel like I am adding unnecessary pain.

I have to admit the idea of going back under the knife deep down terrifies me,

but at the same time I am thrilled of seeing the final result.

There is a big part of me that makes me feel as though

I am finally getting my life back from one of the things cancer has taken from me.

I refuse to let cancer conquer any more of my future happiness.

I keep telling myself, “Diane this is just one more bump in the road and it will be smooth sailing after this.” I am preparing myself for the pain because my last surgery they had trouble controlling my pain, as I am highly allergic to morphine, which is considered to be one of the most highly effective medications for pain. I will continue to pray to GOD to give me the strength to get through yet another surgery, and I know HE will, as HE has never let me down yet.

I will continue to keep you all updated on this next phase in my journey, my surgery

and the after effects of my reconstruction procedure.

I feel life is a gift and sometimes we really need to have to fight for it,

along with our happiness.

We sometimes just need to take that leap in faith!!!


Written By: Diane Van Bommel

(The top photos are of me, shortly after having my right mastectomy procedure. At the time, I still hadn’t had my prosthetic as I had to wait 11 weeks for my surgical area to heal. I had developed a terrible infection after my procedure and so I had to wait until my body fully healed before being fitted for one.)

❤ Update: October 24th, 2014– I went for my consultation today for my breast reconstruction. It was nice to finally meet after 2 years my plastic surgeon. This man was well worth the wait. He was very knowledgeable, with a great bedside manner. He also has a great reputation about his work, which is important to me because it says a lot about what a great surgeon he is and that I would be left in great hands.

During my visit, I met with another doctor beforehand who explained the options that were available to me for my reconstruction. When she went into depth with all the added detail of the procedures, I started to feel a little woozy, especially when she started mentioning about cutting into one of my ribs. I told the doctor that I was starting to feel rather faint all of a sudden. Lol

She said, “Oh, we happen to see this a lot.” A nurse then came in my room bringing me some ginger ale, along with some apple juice. I then decided it was best to lie down for a few minutes, to get rid of my light-headedness. To be frankly honest, it is a lot for a person to take in, especially the risks that are involved, especially hearing the complications that could take place. They said that usually happens in only 5%, but then it got me worrying, thinking what if I am the unlucky one to be that 5%? I had to brush those scary thoughts out of mind and then I continued to listen to the how the procedures would be done; these were all my options:

I could either have some skin and fat removed from my back, which they keep the muscles in tack and swing it around to the front. This procedure would be approximately 3 hours, but it could require having an extender put into place first, then later having an implant put into place. (Basically being more than one operation)

My second option was them putting different sizes of extenders overtime, until the skin has stretched far enough for an implant to be put in.

Then there was my third option, which was to have some of my stomach removed, so that the live tissue and muscle could be cut out and plugged into place, like a toaster is being plugged into another outlet. There are risks with this procedure and that is the new breast my not be accepted by my body. The way I see it, is there are risks with any procedure and I feel my faith has sure gotten me through a lot, and I will have to rely on it again to get me through this.

GOD is more powerful than anything!!! This surgery will take approximately 8 hours, which tells you what an extensive type of surgery it really is. If I choose to have my left breast removed (my fourth option) as a safety precaution, then the reconstruction could take an additional 4 hours, making that surgery approximately 12 hours, instead of the 8.

It is because of this that it is in my best interest to lose a lot of weight beforehand in my midsection. The surgeon was very respecting of how he worded and introduced this request. We both agreed that I should lose roughly 45lbs. before taking on this procedure because that is a lot of time for things to go wrong with my heart, especially if it was surrounded with a lot of fat tissue. This extra weight would make my heart have to pump that much longer and stronger. My surgeon has given me 6months to just over a year to accomplish this feat. He was so sweet and asked me if this was fair? I said I understood and that this would be the safest, if I was to comply and at least try and lose this weight. I made a promise to him that I would start this mission of losing weight on Monday, October 27, 2014 by starting with my exercises and making it a routine for Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays and then the two days in between going for a short brisk walk or doing the Wii Fit. This would leave Saturdays and Sundays off, so I could rest. In the past, I had managed to lose 55lb, by doing the Weight Watcher points and exercising my butt off, 6-7 days a week, which I found that I had gone about it all in the wrong way. I really pushed myself way too hard damaging my knees from one of the weight machines I used.

I feel this time around losing my weight I am going to do it much healthier and more sensibly. I may take some of the things I learned from doing the Weight Watcher points in determining which foods over another because of the lower point value, but I don’t think I want to try doing it strictly. I know it works, but it’s just that I had felt I was still hungry a lot of the time. If I don’t see results like I am anticipating then might second guess that decision.

I am going to instead try and just eat a whole lot more sensibly, trying to stay away from my weaknesses chocolate, and only allowing myself a small amount on a special occasion. I won’t deprive myself of it, but I just won’t indulge in it.

If I want to snack, I am going to try snacking on a healthier choice such as fresh fruit and vegetables such as carrot and celery sticks, along with a yogurt. It sounds kind of boring, doesn’t it? Lol .  But it will be so worth it in the end.

I am hoping that I can really stick to this goal, this time around. It is so hard with all these temptations all around us such as chocolate, chips, pop and the many sweet dishes around. I told one of my sisters, I will just have to look at the food that I am craving and tell myself, “NO, I would rather have that new breast and flat tummy!” I am hoping this will be enough incentive to stick to this mission of refraining from the unhealthy types of foods and participating once again in physical activity.

I was doing well with exercise beforehand, but once you get yourself out of the routine, it is sometimes hard to get yourself back on the right track. That is why it is vitally important to refrain with such a mindset of determination and dedication in accomplishing this hard but not unachievable task. It can be done!!! I have done it before and I can do it again!!!

I have wanted to do this for so long and now I feel I have something that could possibly motivate me enough to do succeed in accomplishing my new set goal.

“Believing is achieving.”

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

For more information on Breast Reconstruction and the options that are available to you and a description of the procedures, you can visit these 3 websites:


www.bra-day.com             (Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day)

(This music video, “Faith Will Take You Farther,” By: CBC Choir and orchestra,

taken from YouTube.com)

❤ Here are the lyrics to this beautiful song for you to sing: ❤   🙂

Published on 5 Sep 2012

“Faith Will Take You Farther”

by CBC’s choir and orchestra, Saturday night, December 12th, 2009. See words below:

Sometimes faith will bring you to trust a promise that’s illogical
Sometimes faith will lead you to cling to hopes that seem impossible
So often faith looks foolish a leap into the dark
But that’s not how it is for the believing heart

‘Cause when all your dreams have fallen through
And your plans come crashing in on you
Don’t lose hope no matter how it seems
‘Cause faith will hold you closer
Faith will keep you safer
Faith will take you farther than you dream

Doubt will always whisper, ‘There’s no one there to catch you when you fall’
Fear will come to rob you of any chance to see a miracle
So trust the One who loves you
Whose Word won’t let you down
‘Cause resting in His grace is where your strength is found

And when all your dreams have fallen through
And your plans come crashing in on you
Don’t lose hope no matter how it seems
‘Cause faith will hold you closer
Faith will keep you safer
Faith will take you farther than you dream (Farther than you dream)

And when all your dreams have fallen through
And your plans come crashing in on you
Don’t lose hope no matter how it seems
‘Cause faith will hold you closer
Faith will keep you safer
Faith will take you farther than you dream (Farther than you dream)
Farther than you dream (Farther than you dream)
Farther than you dream!


NOTE: I have a second blog site which I have several writings

on that cover several different topics,

such as depression, loss of a loved one and many cheerful writings too.

Here is a direct link to the site:


There are many cheerful poems and music from You Tube

that I have recently added to this second site that will bring you a smile. 🙂


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