Author Archive: Diane Van Bommel

Keeping Positive

Sometimes staying positive can be a real challenge for some Because let’s face it our lives may not always be lots of fun. The thing that most of us don’t realize Is that we all have an inner strength. We can succeed at whatever we may have to face, GOD will help us. HE will …

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Life is What We Make It

If we are to dwell in self-pity, Always looking at the negative, Then our lives will always appear to be anything but positive. Let’s face it; our lives don’t always  Go the way we expect them to, But we need to tell ourselves that’s okay too, Because we can still make do; We need to …

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Don’t Accept Defeat

Life has knocked me down on so many occasions, But I refuse to accept defeat. So I force myself up each time telling myself This cancer can be beat. Every day is now a challenge for me to get out of bed Because the pain I now carry I literally now dread. It is not …

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Have Faith

  Sometimes in life our faith gets tested, But we need to have faith to make it through. If we lose our faith then we will lose all hope too. Faith is what brings us strength To carry on with all our struggles in our lives; It also reminds us there is eternal life after …

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Facing My Fears (Update: Getting Through the Storms)

This is an MRI image of the lesion/tumour that was found in my right eye. It is the white area that resembles a cocoon that you see in the mid right of this photograph that is the tumour. It was just a few days ago that my world felt like it came crashing down. I …

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Getting Through the Storms (My personal journey through the recent struggles in my life)

Have you ever felt so tired? I mean so tired that you knew something really had to be wrong with you? Well, this is how I have felt unfortunately for many, many years. I even took my suspicions to several doctors over the years but they never had any answers. It was so frustrating. I …

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Life Happens

 We are not always in control of what happens in our lives Because sometimes “life just happens”. It is then that our faith may deepen. This is when our faith shall get tested For our troubles in life may seem multiplied, As they have now added. These struggles and challenges we may have to face …

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2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,700 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people. Click here to …

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The Power of Prayer

Prayer is very powerful, Especially when we join together as a family; It is not until then those miracles we shall see. Sometimes things happen in our lives  That we do not wish to be;   We then realize we are no longer left in control. This leaves us saddened And can really take on its …

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GOD, I Am Your Warrior

GOD, I am your warrior As I fight this terrible disease. I refuse to ever give up And I ask for your strength to get me through with ease. I will not allow my happiness in life to now cease. I know some days are going to be tough to get out of bed Because …

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