There is Hope

Sometimes the pain is so unbearable that it hurts to get out of bed. It’s moments like these why I can see why people want to give up on their life, but you can’t no matter how bad it hurts. These are the times we need to reflect on all the good, our blessings, our life, and our gifts. Even though you may be struggling with your disease, your pain, GOD is there for you to help you through. I have seen and felt first hand HIS love, by means of calls, e-mails, texts, flowers, a music box, a gold pink stoned ring, angels, books and lots and lots of food. The generosity keeps on coming. There is even pink, fancy ribbon on all my neighbours and some friends’ mailboxes to show their support for me.

The support does not end there as there have also been people running for me in support of breast cancer. There was even a stranger, in grade 7 from another area who put my name down as she hadn’t known any one personally who had the disease, but when she learned of me she said she wanted to do it for me. Wow! The love that GOD has sent is now coming from strangers. I even received a pewter angel decoration with the inscription, “Miracles happen to those who believe in them.” This was given to me by my neighbour’s mom, someone whom I never met before. The kindness from strangers really touches my heart. There are so many people, some of which that don’t even know me praying for me to have a full recovery. Even when times look so bleak, GOD shows HIS love.

Sometimes you may feel like no one understands but, in truth GOD always does and many others unfortunately who are battling this or many other diseases can relate to the same or other uncomfortable pain that you are going through. But, the good news is the pain will eventually ease. This is when we cannot let our faith falter but, we need to strengthen our faith now more than ever, if you want to beat this battle. GOD has sent you family, friends, and “yes” even strangers to help comfort you by bringing some peace and love to help support you during these difficult times. GOD has always promised to be there for all of us and that is HIS way of keeping HIS promise to you.

(Note: When I wrote this writing I was suffering from a major infection in the surgical area, where my right breast had been removed. I was quite ill for approximately just over 2 months and because of this my Chemo treatments had to be pushed off for 11 weeks. I was fortunate as the specialists had said, there was only a 12 week window with my cancer. I was able to complete all my Chemo treatments just in time before the cancer had a chance even to spread. Thanks be to GOD!!!  This occurrence does not happen to all mastectomy patients, but I just wanted to bring awareness to please keep an extra close eye on the area and to make sure that your surgical area is always kept very clean and dry.)

Written By: Diane Van Bommel

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